to feel anything at all
Like night and day, sun and moon, light and dark— everything must have balance.
This is the beginning of a dream. Summer warmth. A collection of words and photographs woven together in hopes to make you feel something. anything. even if for only a moment.
Allow this journey across pages to ease your heartache, explore stages of raw love, let your mind wander all over the world, and challenge loneliness to be a work of art.
No matter how many times a heart may break, it will always keep beating.
locate a copy {paperback}
Expanded Second Edition

now available
hardcover coffee table edition
This hardback edition is meant to sit quietly on a coffee table- the words, a companion for love & heartache accompanied by an escape offered in stunning photographs.

from to feel anything at all
the next time you look up at the night sky and think how lucky you are to see a falling star,
the stars are gazing back down on you thinking how lucky they are to see such a beautiful thing
shining relentlessly
through the dark.
R. Clift
What starlings Are Singing
“R.Clift is truly someone special. And you see that in this book, from the first page. Her idea of evolved poetry, matching her poetry with artistic photography, is so magical. After reading a piece, I often found myself looking at the partnered image in detail and seeing every little thing and emotion that connected them both. It’s a deep experience that really enhances her words.
My chest actually tightened and felt full with her words, my heart broke and reformed. R.Clift details a love and a girl in this book that is wondrous, beautiful, and gentle. Distant, lost, and full of stars. A dream and a vivid reality. Holding this book honestly felt like holding a beating heart.”
— Courtney P. / amazon review
“The words, the photography I love these elements that express how the author feels and that it makes me feel something indescribable but in a good way. Beautiful book and love the way that it is written! Definitely going to read more from her!”
— Syarafina / goodreads review
“For years I’ve been so inspired by Rachel Clift and her openness and vulnerability in her art. I’ve finally bought one of her books, and I catch myself tearing up just 20 pages in, and full-on crying by page 41. If you haven’t, please consider following and supporting her work. These poems touch my heart in so many ways, and I know each of my friends would love them.”