until we meet again
Expanded second edition available May, 7 2021
a journey of heartache & healing captured in poetry by r. clift
Expanded Second Edition Includes - 70+ new pages, THREE Afterwords (One written in 2020, one written in 2021, and one written by an incredible woman I met on this trip.), never-before-seen photographs, journal entries, train tickets, & every single poem that was left out of the first edition. This book is finally complete.
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until we meet again
Expanded Second Edition Available May 7, 2021
From R. Clift comes so intimately a collection of memories, a snapshot of her heart, like nothing she has ever written or shared before.
A travel memoir written in poetry, of backpacking through Europe in the summer of 2019. Filled with daily poem entries, imperfect polaroids, never-to-be-sent postcards, and 3-hour-train-ride illustrations all pulled from the pages of her journals. This memoir began as a personal challenge, whatever her next trip was— she would write a poem a day.
Would she see growth? Would they be more about the place or about how she was feeling? What would she discover? She didn't know. But she wanted to find out. So, she wrote all through Spain, Italy, Greece, and England. When her last poem ended with the line 'until we meet again' she knew this endeavor had become bigger than herself.
For a while, the poems sat unread, and she wasn't sure if they ever would be. She was afraid to share these words at first, afraid it was too real, messy, raw, flawed— until she realized that is the very reason it should be shared.
If you have found this book, it’s for a reason.
This book is for anyone who has ever felt lost within themselves. For the runaway broken hearts looking for a place to heal, to rest, and to become whole again. For the travelers plagued by wanderlust, who know all too well that one can still ache even in the most beautiful cities on Earth.
She can only hope that through her story you might come closer to courage—
to let go of what burdens your heart.

May 13th, 2019 - Barcelona, Spain
I’ve always believed hearts that break should go to Europe— in the past, I admit I was running away from the pain, but this time I brought it all with me, packed carefully into my backpack, and here— surrounded by challenges at every turn that I have no choice but to overcome, I am becoming a believer that maybe, just maybe I can finally overcome you, and somehow find myself again.
R. Clift
What starlings Are singing
“There is something so calming and fragile about this collection. And it makes me yearn for foreign places and different sights. A beautiful gem that's visually pleasing and also has poems that touch your very soul.”
— Katrina, goodreads review
“I really enjoyed this poetry book. It definitely felt like a memoir of thoughts she had while traveling and it makes me want to travel myself. The writing gives you an insight into her heart as she traveled and the photos are very beautiful. I love the aesthetic of it.”
— Jackie, amazon review
“Rachel depicts so much humility in this book. She captures the true feeling of loss while also still showing how strong you can be while grieving. The battle between love and loss and the thin line that separates them both. She finds the strength in her voice and shows other women they can too and that is the true meaning of loss.”