
Junya Hatta

Instagram: @junya_hatta


Available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, & anywhere books are sold online.

Publication Date: July 6th, 2022.

Published with: IngramSpark.

Client Location: Canada.

“We believe what we want is somewhere "out there" - somewhere that is just beyond our grasp. However, in the process of pursuing what's out there, we forget the things that make life beautiful in the now - the here. HERE. is a poetry collection that encompasses life's biggest heartbreaks, yet finding purpose within this brokenness. These poems are for those who love too deeply, break too easily, yet continue to love others, life, and themselves time and time again. Hatta's words enable readers to confront their deepest sorrows with grace and honesty and within this honesty, finding beauty only those that have survived can fathom. This is a story of growth and no growth can happen without weathering the storm - here in the present moment.”

Art Nouveau Inspired • Vintage/Modern Blend • B&W ink with Creme Pages

Adobe InDesign, Authentic Vintage Elements, Hand-drawn Ornaments

Trim Size: 5x8 | 130 pages | Paperback


angel falls


To Only You, Love Only Me