death deceived

Cheyanne Leonardo

Instagram: @littletownpoet

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Available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, & anywhere books are sold online.

Publication Date: February 3rd, 2023.

Published with: IngramSpark.

Client Location: USA.

“From the romantic and mystical little town poet Cheyanne Leonardo comes death deceived, her third collection of poetry. Inspired by her Appalachian mountain town and others like it across the country, this book reveres the magic and radiance that exists in the most unexpected places - a brightness that can be seen and felt, if only we would take a step outside, wherever we are, and shift our focus gently up.

These poems are a celebration of the unrelenting light that shines through an abyss of darkness, the divine energy that conjures new growth out of ruin and decay, the songs of hope that emerge from endless empty skies. Each day, the shadows give way to the sunrise and love bursts forth from the forgotten caves and corners of our lives. If we can learn to trust in this eternal truth, we may discover our heart's desire is never all that far away...

Death is deceived when we surrender to the timelessness of love. Let us learn this lesson and live- before we die.”

Vintage Dark Academia • Van Gogh Inspired Cover • Authentic 1800’s Engraving Illustrations

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Partially Illustrated Interior

Trim Size: 4x7 | 96 pages | Paperback


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