what lies in the wolf’s heart

Angela Solis

Instagram: @gurdy1998

visit her website


Publication Date: December 27th, 2019

Published with: KDP Amazon.

Client Location: USA.

What Lies in the Wolf’s Heart is a debut poetry collection that takes the reader on an emotional journey of both trial and triumph. It seeks to encompass as many stories as possible through multi-perspectivity and connecting with each individual on a soul level, reminding them that no one is truly ever alone in this life. Written from the heart, these poems touch base with universal themes, including but not limited to mental health, self-awareness, love, depression. Above all else, this heartfelt book serves as a voice for the voiceless.”

Simple Elegance • Classic • Handwritten Elements

Adobe Indesign

Trim Size 6x9 | 215 Pages | Paperback


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