Scars that bloom in the dark


Instagram: @mypeacefulnoise

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Available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, & anywhere books are sold online.

Publication Date: August 27th, 2022.

Published with: IngramSpark.

Client Location: India.

“We are born and the creation feels like a dream.

We start growing up, envisioning the world based on our surroundings and influences. We start finding ways to create the most beautiful castle of our dreams. Once we feel we are getting closer to our castle, we develop an urge to share it with someone. And soon we find the one and start planning our life in togetherness. We fight everything that comes our way and finally start living in our castle.

Then one day: Time flips around. Everything we thought was always ours doesn't belong to us anymore. We are placed from where we started in a blink of an eye. We are trained to survive. No one taught us how to handle life during our shattering times?

And sometimes life gives you something worse than that: an illusion of a dream life followed by a shattered heart.

We are still not educated enough to ask ourselves: What if I lose it all?

Scars that Bloom in the Dark is a journey of a heart made up of dreams and faith.

A heart that gets everything it desires and then loses it all.

A heart that rejoices in joy and cries in pain.

A heart that learns to fall gracefully and rise from each fall with the same hope and faith.

A heart that found the answer to the most profound question: What if I lose it all?”

Kintsugi Inspired • Colorful Pages • Floral Elements

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Fully Illustrated Interior

Trim Size: 5x8 | 154 pages | Paperback


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